Sunday, April 22, 2007
|3:56 PM|
A Great Mystery SOLVED!Alright people, I've decided to reveal one of the deepest, darkest secrets of my mysterious existence. Hail the Creator of all, hail whichever personal amulet of luck that you believe in, for such a fortunate experience will come but once in a few lifetimes. Indeed, you, amongst all the humans that have ever lived and might ever come to live, will be witness to the unveiling of a mystery so great nothing might come to surpass it for all time; unless I decide to reveal yet another of my great mysteries... but now, don't be greedy. One mystery at a time.
Alright, now that you have salivated all over your keyboard, it is finally time to reveal exactly what mystery I am going to tell you:
The great mystery that will be solved today is:
What the Great Runearay would post if he had nothing to blog about!
Indeed, fanatical readers of this great blog would have, by now, ascertained I have only posted when there is an insightful progress on my search to the meaning of life, or a great discovery that would radically change the progress of humankind. But fanatical readers will also have noticed that sometimes, despite my greatness, there is a lapse in my posts. Sometimes these lapses are longer, sometimes they are short.
Now, these lapses are, obviously, times when the Great Me has nothing of worth to post about, for few things in the world are worthy enough to be archived here. And although I do know how disappointing it is for my fans to access this blog day after day, hoping for a post but finding none, I always restrain myself from posting something less worthy than my standards demand.
And thus a great mystery has always confounded those who fanatically study my behavior: the mystery of what exactly I would post if I had nothing to blog about. And today, I have decided to enlighten those who seek that Knowledge. For Knowledge is Power, and I am one who believes in empowering my vassals so that they can support me in times of crisis.
To tell the truth, I have given this much thought myself. What would I post, should I one day, be unable to find something in the pathetic humans to be worthy enough to archive here? I contemplated blogging about the latest news in japanese animation; but as I look around, there are already a ton of "anime-blogs" around. And then I toyed with the idea of giving a synopsis, translation and personal opinion of my favourite songs, but again, there are forums for such discussions in fanlistings and translation sites.
The Great Me can be nothing else but
unique, and therefore, I have discarded those ideas.
And so, what would I post if I had nothing to blog about? Why, the answer is: I would post something UNIQUE!
Hah, as if you all didn't see that coming. My hints were neon signs lighting the dark grey space of the night sky. Uniqueness is a quality that is, indeed, unique to me, therefore, everything I do and think is unique. Don't you think so too? I revel in paradoxes and word games, my mind is too great to be understood. And all of my unique ideas I choose to archive in a public "blog", a word that is not a word.
Ahh, the above paragraph was a synopsis of a few of my traits; and it is such a beautifully made paragraph.
Right, and thus ends this post.
Until next time. =)
Looking to the future~
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