Saturday, May 14, 2005
|3:31 PM|
Virtue or Sin: Hate Part IG'day everyone. Its been another long break since my last post. I'm sorry I left you desolate for so long. Indeed, life has taken me far from the chance to kick back and relax as much as I used to. I regret my absence, so, if you will, let me today make it up for you.
For those who know me though, the above was a bunch of crap. No, I haven't been too busy. I've just been too free. I wish I could say I had lots of homework to do the past couple of weeks, and I do, but I've not been doing it. I'm here, blogging, not because I've finished all my homework (I managed to complete outstanding ones, but not ones due this weekend) but because I don't want to. What a paradox.
Anyway, let's waste no more minute lamenting the loss of precious time. I never believe in crying over spilt milk.
Does that mean I give up grudges easily then? No, actually. It only means I don't form grudges easily. What's the difference? Oh, a world of difference, let me assure you that.
Hate, this concept is as much a part of us as flesh is a part of us. It is held as dear to our heart as love is, or sometimes, even more so. Many people claim they know of love, and have no hate. But more likely than not, that which they hold dear is hate, and all unknowingly too.
What is Hate?
Well, since I've asked this question, might as well broach the seal on the taboo topic as well. What is Love? Is love a concept of being close to someone, to be there for him/her and protect him/her. To be unable to live without him/her. To feed and clothe him/her, to provide for him/her? Is the person you love you sun and stars? The moon of your life? Is the person you love someone who occupies your time all the while? Is the person you love someone you look up to, respect, and hold dear of?
Is hate the opposite of all that?
Think about all the people you hate. Isn't it true you want to kill them? Isn't it true you want to be as far away from them as you can ever be? Isn't it true that you do not love them?
What about the people you love, then?
Are they not the people you are with most of the time? Are they not people you will never shy away from? Are they not the people you actively seek out? Are they not the people you turn to the moment you have need of them?
Isn't this all settled then? Love sits on one side of the spectrum, and hate on the other. Love is a virtue, and hate is a sin. Love is everything well and good, and hate is everything dark and evil.
Think about it. Do you believe what I just said?
The answer? Obviously not. There's something wrong in there, somewhere. The conclusions sounds fine, perhaps, the arguments are sound, perhaps. But somewhere, inside, when seen as a whole, the two puzzles do not fit as snugly as they first appeared to be. Somewhere, something went wrong, and everything we know, everything we believe in, is suddenly wrong.
Paradoxical? I believe I used this word once already.
What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong.
Love and Hate... are the same things.
Look to your mother or father, or your guardian. The person(s) who've brought you up. The person(s) who've taught you how to be you. Undoubtedly, they are people you love. Examine your feelings! When you look at them, what do you see? Do you see a woman who has cared for you, who has give you everything she has? No! Do you see a man who has worked hard to provide for you, to clothe, feed, bathe and provide for you? No! What do you see?
You see your Mother, your Father.You do not see humans. You see, instead, your kin, your blood, your parents.
You never see the hardships they go through for you. You never see the pain they have to go through. You never see the sweat and blood they've spilt for you. You only see the concept of "parents". And because of that, you're never grateful. Oh sure, Mother's Day comes along, and you buy her flowers, a vase, maybe a car. Oh sure, you hug her and say "I love you, Mom! Thanks for all you've done." But the next day, everything is as it always has been.
You see your mother, not the woman who has given up everything else she could have, could be, in life, to have you.
You've, in more ways than you'll ever know, taken more from her than a lifetime of filial piety could return. And she has given you that unconditionally.
That is Love.
Not some mushy, stupid concept of feeling a "melting heart" when you look at a person. Not some stupid "glazing over of the eyes" when you see your 'prince charming'. Not some "accelerated heartbeat" when you observe the person you really like. Not some hot urge in your loins when you stare and whistle and drool over whatever picture your mind is busy forming.
But anyway, I digress.
Now that we've found out what's love, what then, is hate? Is it an opposite of love? Is it the concept of taking all, and not returning any? Afterall, giving all, and not expecting returns is love, and so the opposite would be...
Then doesn't that make you hate your mother, from whom you've taken all and given nothing?
Yes, that is perfectly true.
Nonsense? Not so.
Take a look at yourself. Frankly, what do you see? Do you see a boy/girl who has taken everything he/she can from his/her parents and given nothing back? Do you see a person who never bothered to be grateful to your parents, and instead scream and shout and throw tantrums whenever you can't get something you want? Do you see all that?
No. You do not.
What you see is... you. Oh certainly. For those people who harp on about "Knowing our own weaknesses"... do they really? Do they really know what evil they are really capable of, or have done? Do they know they've already bitten through the hand that fed them, their parents' hands?
Like you are blind to your parents' sacrifice, you are blind to your own selfishness.
Human nature, that is all can be said. Human nature.
Hate is not a concept about having malicious feelings to another person. Hate is the concept of taking everything you can, and not returning anything. In today's context, few people use it that way anymore.
"I hate you" comes out just as easily as "I love you"
And neither times is it really hate nor love.
A guy wants to bed his girlfriend, he says, "I love you."
In truth, has he given everything he ever has and would ever be and expect no returns?
You look at the Science HOD of your school, and you say, "I hate you."
Have you really taken everything of consequence from her and given back nothing?
You don't agree. Of course you don't. Afterall, if everything I said is true, and is so simple, then wouldn't it be just as simple to change your attitude to your parents immediately? And so, does the concept of "hate" never exist in your relationship with your parents anymore? If that happens, then everything I've just proven is bullshit.
So yes, I'm wrong, ain't I?
No, I am not wrong. You try it. You put this into the forefront of your mind now, and from now on,
never snap at your mother, never shout, never even harbour thoughts of anger against her. Instead, you must be grateful to her all the time. Everytime you see her, you must see a haggard woman who have nothing left, because of you. Everytime you see her, you must weep in pain, in remorse, in the knowledge you can never repay her, no matter what you do.
You try it.
I just snapped at my mother, who asked me, quite politely, to bathe. So she can be less inconvienienced as she has many things to do.
Do you think you can change your "hate" to your mother immediately to "love", and keep at it for 24/7, 365 days a year?
There's no way. You can try, and in the end, you will find that it is true. Every day, your mother loves you, and you hate her. Every moment, every waking second. That is the way life is.
Love and hate are the same concepts.
I have little time left. I have to go bathe soon. I mentioned just now, that love and hate are the same things. I'll go into it in Part II. Think about it if you want. Think about all I've said, and compare my examples to a lover, perhaps, to your parents. Is it true? Can it be true?
What is truth anyway? (No, I'm not going to repeat what my last entry has already explained.)
And then think about how love and hate are the same.
I'd tell you to have fun, if I was sadistic. But I'm not, so I'm going to tell you to get some panadol before you start thinking. If you think along the right lines, you'll end up with a splitting headache.
Have fun.
Looking to the future~
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